—July 11-14, 2018
Hosted by the Chesapeake Region, this year’s Eastern Spring Meet had lots in store for AACA members and spectators. The meet was held at the Wyndham Hotel in Gettysburg, which some may remember from the 2017 Founders Tour. The Wyndham, with its wonderful hospitality and accommodations, has proven itself to be an ideal venue for car events.
The meet kicked off on Wednesday with registration, but the Chesapeake Region also had arranged for a bus tour to Fort McHenry and the Baltimore Museum of Industry, as well as a driving tour to the UTZ Potato Chip Plant and Prueitt Restorations.
Thursday’s schedule included a bus tour to the Gettysburg Battlefield, and a driving tour to Antietam Battlefield. On Friday, registered attendees could enjoy a bus trip to Strasburg, PA or a driving tour to the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing. The evening concluded with an ice cream social.
Saturday was the last day of the big event. Hardly a cloud was in the sky on the day of show. If you’ve never been to an AACA National Meet, it’s quite a sight to see hundreds of antique cars from all over the country shining like gems in the sun, waiting to be judged. It was hot, but food vendors provided plenty of water, and most people were too busy chatting with friends, old and new, or worrying over their cars to really notice the heat.
Some familiar faces from the Gettysburg Region could be found on the field as several of our members were there either volunteering or just spectating.
Congratulations are due to the Chesapeake Region for being such gracious hosts and careful planners. A complete list of the car show winners can be found on the AACA website at www.aaca.org/meetresults.