GRAACA Covered Dish Dinner & Hobby Event
—Sunday, March 9, 2025, York Springs, PA
This fun time social event will again be held at the Eastern Museum Motor Racing, 100 Baltimore Rd, York Springs, PA.
Starting time is 1:00 pm. Please bring a covered dish to share with your fellow club members. It’s a great way to spend the day enjoying excellent homemade food & sharing hobbies alongside friends!
This will be our Hobby Event! Our hosts have asked that you bring a sampling of your favorite hobby to display on tables set up for your convenience. Please notify hosts what hobby you will display so the space needed will be provided for you. This activity has been done before and everyone attending seemed to enjoy viewing their fellow members’ hobby displays as well as a short talk by the hobbyist describing their display. See you on March 9!!
Registration deadline is March 1st, 2025. Please call Stewart or Sarah Gardner at 717-398-8324 or to let them know that you plan to attend, and if you plan to bring a hobby. This is a FREE event, and we’ll look forward to seeing you there! 🙂
GRAACA Garage Day
—Saturday, April 19, 2025, Westminster, MD
Thanks to its popularity last year, we’re bringing this fun event back for 2025! This year’s “Garage Day” will be hosted by Carl Davis at 1047 Hook Road, Westminster, MD 21157 beginning at 10:00 am.
Come hang out, help a friend with his car projects, and get your hands dirty. It’s what we do best. Possible projects include installing a driveline in a 1954 Buick Century, or rebuilding the front end of a 1941 Chevy! There is no set end time for this event.
Carl will provide lunch, chips, sodas, and water. Feel free to bring along other snacks if you’d like, but it’s not required. Registration deadline is April 12th, 2025. Total cost is $7.00 per person to cover lunch.
Contact Carl Davis for more information at or call (443) 536-9161. Leave a message if there’s no answer. We look forward to seeing you and getting some work done!
GRAACA Spring Tour
—Saturday, May 17, 2025, Hershey, PA (rain date May 24th)
Spring is just around the corner! I can feel it in my bones, or maybe it’s the chill of winter wearing off or that cup of coffee I need to get moving. I hope you will join us for this year’s Spring Tour event: Destination -The Hershey AACA Museum. We’ve mapped out an enjoyable route and all we need is you, your automobiles, and good weather to make this another great event for GRAACA. Complete details are below. Please come out and participate!
The Tour will begin at Youngs Woods Community Park, 357 Blooming Grove Road Hanover, PA 17331 for coffee and donuts from 8:00 am to 9:00 am. After receiving driving directions, we will depart at 9:00 am for an interesting and challenging journey through York, Lancaster and Dauphin Counties.
Our destination is the Hershey AACA Museum, but you have probably never gotten there the way we will be going. The museum is looking forward to hosting us and has many new exhibits. I believe the theme on display during our visit will be “station wagons”. We will spend approximately 2 hours at the museum and then drive 2 miles to Fuddruckers restaurant for lunch. This is a casual burger, chicken and salad place. Please check out their website for menu details. Our reservation is for approximately 1:00 pm, but everyone will be ordering and paying on their own. We will have a separate seating area for lunch and ample parking is available for us to park together. I think you will enjoy the food; Bob and I checked it out! They have excellent burgers and milkshakes, so bring your appetite!
At the museum ,AACA members are FREE (you must bring your membership card). Non-member adults are $16.00, over 60 are $14.50 children 4 – 12 are $10.00. The museum offers a guided tour for $20.00 for a group of 15 to 20 people. If we have enough interest, we will use tour guides.
The only cost to register is for coffee and donuts. If you want to partake for $4.00 per person and then indicate on the registration form if you are interested in sharing the cost of the guided tour. Everything else is on your own. Registration deadline is May 7th.
After lunch you will be on your own, and there are many things in the Hershey area to enjoy: Chocolate World, Tangor Outlets, AACA Library, the Hershey Museum, and many more.
If we can answer any questions about the tour, please do not hesitate to contact us. This is going to be a fun and memorable event, so please sign up and come out for the ride! Contact Jim Miles at (301) 535-4134 or
Directions to Youngs Woods Community Park 357 Blooming Grove Road, Hanover, Pa. 17331. From I-83 take the Glen Rock exit 8 and drive 19 ½ miles on Rt. 216 West; at the signal light at Clair’s restaurant continue straight for 300 feet, park is on the left.
OR From Rt. 30 in the York area, take Rt. 116 West, travel 7 miles; turn left onto Grandview Road; continue 1.0 miles, at traffic light turn right onto Rt. 216 Blooming Grove Road, park is 300 feet on the left.
OR From the Gettysburg area, take Rt. 30 East to Cross Keys; turn right onto Rt. 94 South; continue to Hanover center square; turn left onto Rt. 116 East; turn right at the next signal light (York Street) to continue on Rt. 116 East; at Cooper Motors Lincoln dealership turn right on Rt. 216 East (Blooming Grove Road); drive 0.6miles, park is on the right before the next traffic light. We will be in the 1st. pavilion close to the restrooms.
Latimore Valley Car Show
—Saturday, June 14, 2025, York Springs, PA
It’s our 50th Anniversary this year! See page 6 for our flyer and for information about sponsors and volunteer opportunities. Gates open at 7:30 am.
GRAACA Summer Tour
—Saturday, July 12, 2025, Harrisburg, PA
Save the date! Newer members, Jeff and MiLana Stonesifer are doing the Summer Tour. Yeah! This is a re-enactment of the original Good Roads Triangle Tour of October 4th, 1921. The tour will be starting on City Island on Saturday, July 12th and tentatively ending in Caledonia Park. Mark your calendars in anticipation of further information and registration. We’re looking forward to our trip back in time. Fun times ahead!